[Stuff] Happens – A Sermon Series

Everyone has struggles and setbacks. Unfortunately there can even be prolonged periods of troubles, when the bad things add up to an entire season of hardship. There is little we can do to prevent these times. A popular bumper sticker from years ago sums this principle up. This being a church newsletter article and all, allow me to paraphrase the bumper sticker: [Stuff] Happens.  Sometimes the stuff is so bad that the word “stuff” doesn’t accurately convey the level of suffering and frustration. Sometimes stuff hits the fan, scattering it to-and-fro. That’s where slang comes in, and that’s why I believe the bumper sticker was and is so prevalent. What can you do? Stuff happens. Putting the phrase out there gives a sense of community when we recognize that reality.  Welcome to planet earth, where we ALL have to deal with…well… [stuff].

For those who hold a belief in God, making sense of [stuff] proves to be a challenge. It’s a challenge for everyone, mind you, but especially those who have faith that God is involved in their lives. When [stuff] happens, there is confusion. Questions arise:  Why God? Why is this happening to me?  It is not wrong to question God in such circumstances. These questions are completely understandable. In fact the Bible does just that in many places. The Book of Job poses questions pertaining to individual suffering. The Psalms give real expression to this situation, asking God why [stuff] happens:

Why do you hide your face? Why do you forget our affliction and oppression? Psalm 44:24

Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? Psalm 10:1

O God, why do you cast us off forever? Why does your anger smoke against the sheep of your pasture? Psalm 74:1

Even Jesus posed the question to God asking, Why have you forsaken me?  when he was crucified (Mark 15:34).  Questions abound: Why is there illness? Why are my prayers not answered? Why is this happening to me?

This Fall we will have a sermon series on the topic of dealing with different kinds of [stuff] and the kinds of questions [stuff] spurs. Entitled [Stuff] Happens, we begin on September 11th with [Suffering] Happens. In following weeks, we will examine other sorts of stuff, seeking to find hope, meaning and God in the midst of life’s challenges.

September 11th   [Suffering] Happens

September 18th  [Feeling Insignificant] Happens

September 25th [Unanswered Prayer] Happens

October 2nd         [Unfairness] Happens

October 9th         [Sin] Happnes

October 16          [Church] Happens (that’s right, it says “Church”, which can be part of the problem too!)

When it comes to the subject of [stuff] in our lives, for people of faith the conversation doesn’t just end with a shrug and an acceptance of inevitable hardships. Beginning in September we’ll together take an honest look into these struggles, seeking to find traces of God in the midst of difficult questions.

See you in Worship,
Pastor Jason Talsness



Posted September 7, 2011 by Amazing Grace Lutheran Church | Pastors Corner | Permalink |